LA TERRE EST VERNISSÉE !Authenticity Creativity, Generosity, Humanity, Simplicity Lively and colorful, the “Glazed Earth” has all the virtues to be the guest of honor of the Tupiniers. Constantly reinvented, it goes through territories and ages since antiquity. Popular and universal, it invites to share, to eat, to drink, to party. Thus, for this 34th edition of the Tupiniers du …
AU FIL DE LA TERREWeaving the soil and spinning the clay Exploring new complicities, new materials, attempting alliances that at first sight might seem impossible. Many ceramists have sought to push limits of their creation by inventing new artworks associating dirt with other materials from fabric, basketry and embroidery worlds. In 2014, the House of Ceramics from Pays de Dieulefit …
TERRE BOIS ET FEUIn 2017, we propose you to travel in the universe of wood firing ceramists. Wood firing had been the only way to fire clay from the Neolithic age up to19th century’s industrial revolution, when other fuels like carbon and later gas and electricity appeared. Wood firing has persisted through the ages and continents. Today this technique is …
TERRE DE CORÉEThe market From 1986 on, 140 potters from all over France and abroad exhibit place Saint Jean and the surrounding streets on one of the most important potters’ markets in France. A huge range of ceramics is to discover in the magnificent site of Old Lyon around its cathedral. The event Korean ceramics is the honoured guest of …
LA TERRE FÊTE LA TABLE !Présentation2015 … une 30ème édition, ça se fête ! Pour marquer cet anniversaire, les Tupiniers du Vieux-Lyon mettent les petits plats dans les grands … Une grande table de banquet est installée dans la cour des Lazaristes. Les exposants ont répondu en nombre à l’invitation de garnir la table d’assiettes, de soupières et de chandeliers, dont …
TERRE DE POÈTESPresentationFor its 29th edition, the Tupiniers du Vieux-Lyon Festival established a dialogue between two arts: ceramics and poetry. For two days, potters, poets and visitors have met and exchanged ideas. In the Lazaristes’ school courtyard, among the exhibited works of the festival’s featured ceramicists, five poets came to read poetic pieces that they had written for the occasion, …
TERRES D’EGYPTEPresentationFor its 28th edition, the Tupiniers du Vieux-Lyon Festival celebrated Egypt’s Fayoum pottery school, inviting students and alumni of the school, as well as its two founders, Evelyne Porret and Michel Pastore, to come and exhibit their work. On Place Saint-Jean, just outside the Lazaristes’ school courtyard, a large stand featured more than 500 pieces made by current students …
TERRE DE RENCONTREPresentationFor its 27th edition, the Tupiniers du Vieux-Lyon Festival payed tribute to the work of ARTE DIEM, an organization based in St Chamond, Loire. Inside the Lazaristes’ school courtyard, a large exhibition presented the pieces created during the organization’s artist-in-residence program. Always pairing a ceramicist with another visual artist, these biennial residencies have been exploring new duos of …
CARTE BLANCHE À LEIPZIGPresentationFor its 26th edition, the Tupiniers du Vieux-Lyon Festival took part in the 30th anniversary celebrations of the sister city partnership between Lyon and Leipzig, by inviting the city’s ceramicists to come and exhibit their work. A sculpture exhibition was set up in the Lazaristes’ school courtyard, while outside the courtyard were the stands of the ceramicists …
LA VIE EN ROSE !PresentationFor its 25th edition, the Tupiniers du Vieux-Lyon Festival borrowed its theme from the famous parade of the Lyon Dance Biennial Festival, inviting the public to celebrate “La Vie en Rose!”. About fifty exhibitors took on the challenge of creating an original piece on this theme. The pieces were presented in the Lazaristes’ school courtyard and …
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